カクハンラボ更新のお知らせ Updating the information related to Kakuhan Lab.

最新記事 The latest blog articles
The following blog articles have been uploaded. They have been posted on our web page, “Kakuhan Lab.”.
Let’s think about agitation simply. (Manufacturing methods of cosmetics excluding emulsion products)
👉 https://www.mizuho-ind.co.jp/labo/about/basic_knowledge_03_16/
Let’s think about agitation simply. (Our plant where MIZUHO’S emulsifying equipments are produced)
👉 https://www.mizuho-ind.co.jp/labo/about/basic_knowledge_03_17/
「カクハンラボ」とは? What is “Kakuhan Lab.”?
On our web page, “Kakuhan Lab.”, we have clearly introduced basic knowledge related to the MIZUHO’S emulsifying equipment, which performs agitation and emulsification necessary for manufacturing cosmetics.
There are a variety of blog articles grouped by areas. You can see information on something such as the phenomenon of “agitation and emulsification”, fundamental bases for the MIZUHO’S emulsifying equipment, technical cases of productivity improvement, making a trial product at the Technical Center, and so on.